Posts Tagged ‘Syria’

Playing the Game

March 18, 2009

It is about playing the game. Israel does not know how to do it and does it very badly, the Palestinians  on the other hand play it very well.


A few months after Gilad was kidnapped a great pressure started by his family and close friends to release him. The pressure was pointed first to the Hamas and the international community and then pointed to the weakest link – the Israeli government. Acts and words were aimed to manipulate the public into applying pressure on Prime Minister Olmert and the rest of the government leading to (the last few days) talks about releasing hundreds if not thousands of murderers in exchange for the poor soldier. Some of these murderers are charged with hundreds of deaths, were found guilty and sent to over 300 times the life sentence. I am not saying not to do this exchange, I am saying that this is a result of a pressure on the weakest link – the Israeli government, a democracy affected by its people who were manipulated in the lowest of forms to support kidnapping the next person.

On the other side of the conflict, I have not heard a single name being mentioned by the Palestinians. Not one person mentioned to be freed. They are not humane for the people, they are soldiers in the war to erradicate Israel. Numbers and volume is what counts. The more horrible the acts they did, the more valueble their release is in the war against the Existance of Israel.

To look at the blame here – the Palestinians blame (not surprisingly) Israel for flunking the negotiations. By definition negotiations mean give and take. Israel has changed its stand, the Palestinians have not and they will do whatever they can to blow this up. Even worse – as we’ve seen before – when Israel accepts the demands this is the moment they change them to stricter, more irrational demands. This is not Hamas, this is not Fatah it is whoever Israel talks with. And then we get the inner self hating Israeli blaming the Israeli government for not giving in to the demands. This is a work of the Hamas-Iranian-Syrian propaganda flooding the media saying Israel is “not willing”. And the reporters – the guards, the suppliers of information are the first to fight this war. Not objective anymore.


Just this week we have heard from Assad Jr. that Israel has been failing the talks. “We could have had peace weeks ago” almost word for word. It is just that Israel are not accepting the tiny demand that has not changed and will not change – letting the Syrian cannons reach Haifa. This is the only thing that Israel has refused to do since 1948. And apparently this is “the only barrier for peace”. No shit? Israel not willing to change one demand, while giving in to everything else, and that is the barrier? Sure.

The Arab propaganda started years ago, and continues now – there is a short time to achieve peace, just give us that (with any tiny piece of self defence you have left) before “the right wing government” starts its term. Again – manipulating the people to affect the government to work in a hurry. Unfortunately – these scare tactics work. It worked for Saddam Hussain, it worked for Adolf Hitler, it works all over the world – scare people to make them do what you want. Now it works accross borders and through the internet, tv and newspapers. Easier to get to the paranoid, who is easy to find in Israel.


Nuclear weapons. Just one word about that. Assuming that Iran manages to fool the world for one more year (they’ve been doing it since 2002, what is one more year between friends), and they say “yes, no, yes, no, yes, wait….. ok…. wait… no” during this period until they manufacture the first nuke. The next step is simple – Once the Shi’ites from Iran have nuclear weapons their Sunni friends will demand their western friends for “equality”, which will cause the Middle east to be nuclear all over (I am rushing the timeline, but this will get there before 2015-2020). Israel will be (hopefully still there) stuck in the middle.

Assuming that by 2020 some Israeli government and the Israeli people will be manipulated into give the Palestinians the west bank as well (after Gaza), there is one thing for sure – Palestinian aggression and attacks will not stop. Now imagine this – and this will happen – when the Palestinians have a nuclear weapon (some new terror organization of course, not related to anything we know so the other organizations cannot be blamed), they will not need a balistic missile to shoot the nuke. They will need a catapult to get to Tel Aviv.

Notice that to get to this scenario only two assumptions were needed:

1. Iran becomes nuclear.

2. Israel gives the west bank.

Two probable assumptions, unfortunately.

For this I will end with a hope bundled in a request: WAKE UP, ignore the propaganda, see through it. Not just Israel is affected, everyone is. Iran, Syria, Palestinians – if you take their word for it over and over and over again, you have been affected.